Hello, it’s me! I’m sorry if you are looking for Adele song but I said not side but site. I have completely renewed the design of the entire site and now I have decided to continue with English as the main language of the site. So, this is now the first post since I deleted three old Turkish posts :).

I wanted to split the blog and make the homepage like a cv. So after all, if this is a personal page, what is more prior than explaining myself? Feel free to share your feedbacks and comments. (Of course I’m talking for the new design of the site.)

What will exists on blog side? Well, it may be related with every topic but of course it will be mostly about the technology and development processes. I can share the things I found useful or maybe my new projects.

I am repeating, I would be glad to any feedbacks and comments. I don’t know what the next post is going to be about but hope to see you there!